Thursday 8 July 2010

rehearsal room and new songs

hello there,
just came back from munich spending this wonderful sunny day eating sushi (no tuna of course!) and relaxing at  the english garden. a few days ago lilian started "jogging"! sooo cute. :) she seems to love running a lot.
we had to work again a bit on our rehearsal room the last few nights...improve the acoustics and installing a huge pinboard... its still a mess down there after all that work but we'll finish it soon again.
meanwhile i wrote some songs on my acoustic guitar. sounding already great... but it's always harder to finish a song than starting to write it. sometimes it takes weeks until you get it just the way you want it. we always have the goal to make a song that's on the one hand catchy but on the other hand it should have some changes/surprises in it that makes the song compelling in a strange and mysterious way. i'm totally into songs that don't give away the feeling they tend to give. a song that gives you that certain feeling (happiness, melancholy, moody whatever) without any cage to itself is most of the time to easy to listen to and gets boring after a while or sometimes even on first listening. it's good when you, as a listener, get the feeling "give me more of that!!". your feelings have to be stronger than the songs tendency. it's like that famous dream of escaping from somebody by runnig away but you're super slow. i love these kind of songs that have that little "not giving" in them. a lot of bands achieve this with the production...sounds etc. but it's even harder if you compose and present a song thats overwhelming without any extra sounds (just voice and one instrument or just an instrument and no voice). for me michael jackson was a genius in doing this with his voice. listen to thriller and you know what i mean. it's overwhelming how he plays with his voice and in reaction to that with the listeners feelings.
hope i didn't cause any confusion with my explanation of whats a good song to me.
have to go playing some memory now...
xx maria

1 comment:

  1. bitte schreibt doch auch in deutsch!

    ich mag eure musik!!!

    eure chris
